Example Projects
import { ContractConfig, Feature, FunctionConfig, MintConfig, ProjectConfig } from "@patchworkdev/common/types";
const mycouponProjectConfig: ProjectConfig = {
name: "mycoupon",
scopes: [
name: "myscope",
whitelist: true,
userAssign: false,
userPatch: false,
mintConfigs: {},
patchFees: {},
assignFees: {}
contracts: {
"MyCoupon": {
scopeName: "myscope",
name: "MyCoupon",
symbol: "CPN",
baseURI: "https://replace-me-with-website/",
schemaURI: "https://replace-me-with-website/schemas/mycoupon.json",
imageURI: "https://replace-me-with-website/assets/mycoupon/{tokenID}",
fields: [
id: 0,
key: "expiry",
type: "uint64",
description: "Expiry Timestamp (seconds since epoch)",
functionConfig: FunctionConfig.LOAD,
id: 1,
key: "couponcode",
type: "uint32",
description: "Coupon Code",
functionConfig: FunctionConfig.LOAD,
id: 2,
key: "maxuses",
type: "uint64",
description: "How many times this coupon may be used",
functionConfig: FunctionConfig.LOAD,
id: 3,
key: "uses",
type: "uint64",
description: "Number of uses",
functionConfig: FunctionConfig.ALL,
id: 4,
key: "transferable",
type: "bool",
description: "Is this coupon transferable",
functionConfig: FunctionConfig.LOAD,
features: [Feature.MINTABLE],
fragments: []
export default mycouponProjectConfig;